Anggota / Member PUPUK

Anggota / Member


Kawi Boedisetio was born on August 18, 1956 and graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). His final project focused on Experimental Stress Analysis with Rosette Strain Gauge, showing his interest and expertise in engineering. He has given numerous international presentations, such as “An ICT Framework to Support SME Growth” in Peru in 2011 and “NGO as a Development Catalyst” in Jakarta in 1994, reflecting his role in supporting small and medium enterprise (SME) development through information technology and NGO initiatives.
In the course of his career, Kawi Boedisetio filled various strategic positions, including Senior Advisor at the Regional Innovation System (RIS) since 2005, which focuses on the development of innovation-based districts. In addition, he has been an Academic Advisor at Purbaya Polytechnic since 2002, contributing to the education of Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology. Kawi also plays a role in technology-based SME development projects with the Ministry of Research and Technology, as well as supporting BPPT in local capacity building and innovation initiatives.
As a trainer and facilitator, Kawi has led various business management trainings for small entrepreneurs, community-based production management, and participatory planning. She was also involved in the development of an innovation center in Tegal and a business network for SMEs in Tegal and Surabaya. In addition, Kawi has taught at Pasundan University, Bandung, for the past two years.


Anggota / Member

Rieta Rossita Dewi was born in Cirebon on March 9, 1959. She earned a degree in Industrial Management Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1984, and previously earned a degree from Pasundan University in 1983 in the same field. Rieta has expertise in Management Engineering and is fluent in English, both spoken and written. Her career mainly developed at Perkumpulan Untuk Peningkatan Usaha Kecil (PUPUK), where she held various important positions, including Chairman of PUPUK in 2018-2021, Managing Director of Finance in 1999-2003, as well as Project Director in 2000. Throughout her career, she has also been active in various programs and projects that support small business development in Indonesia, such as coordinating exhibitions, seminars, and studies on small businesses and technology. Rieta has also acted as a researcher, trainer and coordinator in various projects, including research on the condition of small industries and crafts in several regions. With extensive experience in small industry development, Rieta has contributed significantly to improving small businesses in Indonesia as well as advocating for the impact of the monetary crisis on small businesses.


Anggota / Member

Sonson Garsoni, born in Ciamis on November 20, 1960, is an influential figure in agriculture, resource management and the environment. He began his education at As-Syafiyah University, Jakarta, in 1982, focusing on community development. Since then, he has continued to deepen his knowledge, including attending training on futures derivatives at Indofutop in 1999. His commitment to agriculture and waste management is reflected in the various trainings and workshops he has attended.
Garsoni has a long track record in the world of organizations. He served as Chairman of the West Java Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) from 1998 to 2015, focusing on the agriculture, livestock, fisheries, plantation and forestry sectors. Since 2007, he has served as Chairman of the National Fertilizer Producers Association (APPKMI) and Chairman of the National Non-Construction Consultants (ASKINDO). In 2014, he was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan Posko Hijau.
As founder and owner of PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, established in 1986, Garsoni leads a company that focuses on resource and environmental management. His commitment to this sector is reflected in the company’s website, Garsoni is also active as a trainer and speaker in various seminars, including the Indonesian Business National Seminar in Bandung and events at Malaysia’s Konsorsium Melayu Selayang Berhad (KMSB).

Through his role, Garsoni has made major contributions in waste management, agriculture, and renewable energy. He is also involved in sustainability projects in various major cities. His national and international awards and contributions demonstrate his dedication to advancing sustainable practices in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Mochamad Sjafii, born on December 24, 1968, is a professional with extensive experience in marine engineering and business management. He pursued his Bachelor of Marine Engineering degree at the Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, driven by his deep interest in marine technology and ecosystems. After graduation, he started his academic career as a lecturer at the Department of Marine Engineering, ITS Surabaya, from 1997 to 2005. There, he played a role in teaching, student mentoring, and curriculum development.
Besides his academic career, Sjafii is also active in the business world. He served as General Manager at CV Alcomindo Jaya, AD Partner of Telkomsel, Surabaya, from 2008 to 2018, and previously as Director at PT Centrama Promo Konsulindo and PT PEAC Bromo. In 2014, he founded KJKS Putra Sang Fajar in Surabaya, and a year later founded Koi Indonesia Cooperative.
With extensive experience in various leadership roles in the business and academic sectors, Mochamad Sjafii has demonstrated dedication and outstanding ability in managing organizations and developing businesses in various fields.

Anggota / Member

Fatchurohman, Drs. born in Salatiga on December 5, 1966, is a textile design expert and practitioner who has contributed greatly to the development of Indonesia’s textile industry. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Textile Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1992. After graduation, Fatchurohman started his career as a designer at PT Incomex Intra, where he worked until 1999. In addition, in 1995, he founded SUHUF Art Paper, a business engaged in the production of art paper.
Fatchurohman’s career extended to various creative industry development projects, such as his involvement as a coordinator in the development of ULOS SIPOROK traditional cloth in South Tapanuli, as well as his involvement in making souvenirs for the 10th Non-Aligned Conference. She also founded the Design Assistance Institute in 1991, which aims to support the development of traditional Indonesian products.
In addition, she is active in the empowerment of small and medium enterprises through her position as treasurer of the PUPUK Executive Board from 2018 to 2021. With a strong dedication to local culture, Fatchurohman has been instrumental in the development of traditional weaving and fabric designs in various regions in Indonesia. Through various projects and collaborations, he continues to dedicate himself to advancing the creative industry in the country.

Anggota / Member

Mulyadi was born in Pangkajene on December 31, 1957. He has a strong educational background with a Bachelor of Industrial Technology in 1982, Bachelor of Management Economics in 1999, and Master of Management in 2002. Mulyadi has also attended various trainings and courses that enrich his expertise, such as TOT Fine Ceramics (1985), TOT CEFE Entrepreneurship (1995), TOT KUB Facilitator (1996), TOT Quality Control Cluster (1998), TOT IPR (1998), TOT Information Technology (2001), Project Cycle Management (2002), Market Research and Marketing Plan (2003), Patent Drafting (2003), Food Packaging Technology (2004), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) (2005), Cleaner Production IKM Food (2005), SME Consultant Capacity Building (2005), and Cluster Industry (2006).
In his professional career, Mulyadi has diverse experiences. He has worked as a sales at PT Bosowa Berlian Motor (1981-1982), an entrepreneur (1982-1998), a young consultant at PUKTL (1998-1999), and a consultant at LPT-INDAK (2000-present). In addition, Mulyadi also serves as a lecturer at STIE-BM and STIE AMKOP (2001-present), a consultant at BO P Agro Mitra Selaras (2004-present), and a business unit development consultant at Pontren (2005-present). He is also involved in the Management Board of PUPUK Makassar (2006-present).

Mulyadi is active in various organizations, including being a board member of Dekranasda Sulsel (1995-present), Chairman of IKA STIE-BM (2000-present), Secretary of PPM STIE-BM (2000-present), Chairman of the SMKN2 S.Opu Gowa Committee (2000-present), Chairman of the BDSP Pinisi Consortium of South Sulawesi (2004-present), and board member of the South Sulawesi BDSI Association (2005-present). With these various experiences, Mulyadi has shown great dedication in the fields of education, consulting, and small and medium enterprise development in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Mursalim was born on January 5, 1971 and completed his education at Hasanuddin University Makassar with a Bachelor of Fisheries (S.Pi). He has fluent English skills, both in speaking and writing.
In the working world, Mursalim has served as Fisheries Business Unit Manager at CV Sanro Bone and as Fisheries Business Unit Development Consultant at CV Agro Mitra Selaras. He was also involved in consultancy design for the Bone Bay and Selayar Island area management partnership through SCEnt Found. In addition, Mursalim acted as a seaweed facilitator in the South Sulawesi Provincial community development program (Golden Gate) and assisted the marketing agency expert team for the province’s community economic development movement. He has also worked at PUPUK Makassar as a management agent and mentored young technology-based entrepreneurs under the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Mursalim has a wide range of training experience, including fisheries professional management, vine net business unit management, and quality improvement programs organized by Swisscontact and BPPT. He also attended market research and marketing plan training hosted by Fredy Rangkuti, as well as training on land certification and financial consulting with banks in Indonesia.

With a solid educational background and extensive experience in the fishing industry and community development, Mursalim continues to contribute to the development of the fisheries sector and community empowerment in South Sulawesi.

Anggota / Member
Dr. Ir Arminas, ST, MM, IPU, ASEAN Eng. was born in Soppeng, South Sulawesi, on February 25, 1967. He is a professional in the field of industrial engineering with expertise in industrial management and human resources. His formal education began at the Makassar Industrial Engineering Academy, followed by a bachelor’s degree at Jenderal Achmad Yani University and a master’s degree at Universitas Muslim Indonesia. In 2017, Arminas earned his doctorate degree with specialization in Human Resource Management, as well as a professional education degree in Industrial Engineering from Hasanuddin University in 2018.
An active member in various professional organizations, Arminas is involved in the Association for the Improvement of Makassar Small Businesses (PUPUK) and the Indonesian Engineers Association. His career is filled with awards, including the Satya Lancana Karya Satya Award Charter from the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the ASEAN Engineer title. Since 2002, Arminas has devoted himself to the Makassar Industrial Engineering Academy (ATIM), serving in various key positions in curriculum development and educational evaluation. Currently, he serves as Deputy Director III at Makassar ATI Polytechnic, responsible for work programs and cooperation with various institutions.
As a lecturer since 1995, Arminas develops curriculum and teaches in various courses, focusing on the Industrial Engineering Management and Agro Industrial Engineering Study Programs. His involvement in community service including technology socialization and entrepreneurship training, reinforces his commitment to community empowerment. Dr. Arminas also has significant contributions in scientific publications, with numerous articles and presentations at national and international seminars, making him an important figure in improving work efficiency and safety in industry. On April 12, 2021, he published a work titled “Ergonomic Food Printing Equipment (Simplified Patent)”, which aims to improve production efficiency while reducing the risk of injury to operators.
Anggota / Member

Asdar Marsuki, born in Watampone on November 3, 1979, is a professional with extensive experience in industrial and community economic development. He has a good command of Indonesian and English. His formal education started from SD Inpres 12/79 Macege, followed by SMP Negeri 04 and SMU Negeri 01 in Watampone. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Hasanuddin University Makassar in 2002. In addition to formal education, Asdar also actively participated in various non-formal trainings, such as Training for Fisheries Monitoring by WWF Indonesia and data analysis training at Bisma Komputer Bali.
Throughout his career, Asdar has been involved in various projects and programs, including as a local consultant for industrial development in South Sulawesi and team leader in the tabulation of technology competitiveness index data. He has also been a facilitator for the development of the food and beverage industry and the peanut processing industry. Other key positions include Director of the Association for Small Business Improvement (PUPUK MKS) and director of several companies, including CV Rejeki Bumi Samudera. With a strong commitment to local economic development, Asdar continues to contribute to improving community welfare through various sustainable initiatives and programs.

Anggota / Member

Ikhsyat Syukur was born in Padang on March 30, 1965. He studied at YPK Elementary School in Pematang Siantar, then continued to SMP Negeri 2 and SMA Negeri 2 in the same city. After that, he completed his Geological Engineering degree at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
In 1998, Ikhsyat was involved in a study of community responses to the National Reproductive Health Program organized by BKKBN and PPSK UGM. Since 1992, he has served as a senior consultant at PT Adhicipta Engineering Consultant in Surabaya, and now serves as President Director at PT Sela Kinayungan Nugraha.
His extensive experience includes being the Director of PUPUK Surabaya and an environmental geologist at PT Pilar Abhimantara. Ikhsyat is also active in various seminars and trainings, including as a moderator and speaker at international forums, and has significant research experience in environmental impact analysis. In organizations, he serves as Chairman of the Regional Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises and is involved in various community development programs. His commitment to sustainability and natural resource development has made him a respected figure in his field.

Anggota / Member

Dr. Hikmah M. Ali, S.Pt., M.Si, born in Manimpahoi on August 19, 1971, is a leading academic and expert in the field of animal husbandry and agricultural sciences currently at Hasanuddin University. He began his higher education by earning a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Production from Hasanuddin University in 1994. Afterwards, he continued his master’s study at Bogor Agricultural University in 2003 in Animal Science, and earned his Doctorate in Agricultural Science – Animal Husbandry at Hasanuddin University in 2013. This strong education equipped her with in-depth knowledge and extensive skills in animal husbandry.
Dr. Hikmah actively participates in various trainings to deepen her expertise, including in competency-based curriculum and food technology. She leads various innovative researches, such as the utilization of cocoa extract to produce low cholesterol meat, funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology, as well as the cocoa-based integrated farming system development project. In addition, she has published scientific articles in international journals and contributed to the preparation of books in the field of animal husbandry, including on meat quality and utilization of food crop waste as feed.

At Hasanuddin University, Dr. Hikmah serves as the Head of the Integrated Agricultural Research and Development Division at Puslitbang SDA, LP2M, as well as the Deputy Head of the Teaching Industry Business Innovation Development Division. She also plays an active role in the Faculty of Animal Science development team. In professional organizations, Dr. Hikmah serves as Head of the R&D Division of the Indonesian Animal Husbandry Association (ISPI) and Head of the Dairy Cattle Division in the Indonesian Cattle and Buffalo Breeders Association (PPSKI). Her commitment to the advancement of animal science in Indonesia is reflected in her various roles, showing her dedication to developing the profession and science in this field.

Anggota / Member

Early Eka Kurnia Rahmawati, born on 26 October 1974, is an expert and practitioner in the field of non-profit organisation management. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Management for Non-Profit Organisations from the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany, having previously obtained a Bachelor of Economics degree from Airlangga University. As Executive Director of the Association for Small Business Improvement and OSS Centre Indonesia, Eka plays an active role in small business development in the country. She is also a member of the Indonesian Small Business Improvement Association and involved in various international courses, seminars, and conferences in countries such as Australia, Germany, Hungary, and Estonia.
Throughout her career, Eka has received various awards, including the DAAD Scholarship and support from the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, which recognise her contributions in research and training. In research, she has led important projects, such as studies on the effectiveness of decentralisation in Indonesia and analysis of the creative industry. His experience in various institutions, including as a consultant to ministries and international organisations, demonstrates his ability to formulate policies and reform public services.

As Secretary General at the Association for Small Business Improvement for 2021-2024, Eka is responsible for programme management and strategy development to improve small business competitiveness. She also contributes to the publication of regulatory guidelines that assist local governments in the implementation of one-stop services. With proficiency in English and German, as well as skills as a trainer in public services, Eka continues to be committed to advancing the economic and social sectors in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Mokhammad Farid Fauzi was born in Tulungagung on 7 November 1979. With a strong academic background, Farid earned a bachelor’s degree in Development Economics from Airlangga University, Indonesia, and continued his education by earning a Master’s degree in Development Management from the Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines. He has extensive experience in micro-small business development and community development, including community-based mangrove ecotourism projects. Since 2017, Farid has served as Project Manager at the Small Business Improvement Association (PUPUK), where he is responsible for project management, staff recruitment, and stakeholder relations. His experience includes the implementation of projects funded by European organisations as well as participation in various international trainings. Farid is also active in economic research, making him a professional committed to improving community welfare through sustainable development. Besides being fluent in English, his expertise in policy advocacy and access to finance makes him an influential figure in his field.

Anggota / Member

Endang Sri Agustini, born on 17 August 1968, is an experienced professional in the field of community empowerment and small and medium enterprise (SME) development. She earned her Bachelor of Agriculture degree from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 1994, and continued her studies to obtain her Master of Science degree in Management at the School of Business Management ITB, Bandung in 2012. Throughout her career, Endang has been active as a trainer, facilitator and speaker, conducting financial management and entrepreneurship training for SMEs at PT PERTAMINA in 2005, as well as focusing on regional capacity building and business management in Indonesia. She has served as a facilitator in industry cluster initiatives, including the shoe and textile cluster in West Java and the cocoa cluster in West Sumatra. In addition, Endang was involved in creative industry research and business feasibility studies in East Kalimantan, as well as community empowerment projects in the operating areas of Chevron Geothermal Indonesia and PT Kaltim Prima Coal. Currently, she serves as Programme Manager at PUPUK (The Association for Strengthening of Small Business), managing community empowerment and business development programmes, demonstrating her dedication to the advancement of communities and SMEs at local and national levels.

Anggota / Member

Cecep Kodir Jaelani, born on 6 July 1980, is a political science professional with extensive experience in project management and community empowerment. He holds a Master’s degree in Political Science and has attended various trainings, including in environmental health and safety, as well as training on food hygiene and HACCP. Cecep is active in development projects at PUPUK (The Association for Strengthening of Small Business), where he serves as Programme Manager and previously as Project Manager for several initiatives, including PROSPECT Indonesia and PRISMA Chevron. Her duties include project planning, implementation, and evaluation, as well as coordination with stakeholders and field staff. With experience as a facilitator and researcher in various projects, including regulatory impact assessments and enhancing citizen participation in planning processes, Cecep is committed to fostering sustainable development and collaboration within his community.

Anggota / Member

Ike Sulistiawati, born in Surabaya on 17 May 1981, is an experienced professional in administration and human resources. Joining PUPUK (Perkumpulan Untuk Peningkatan Usaha Kecil) since 2002, Ike started her career as an administration and programme treasurer. Currently, he serves as an administration and human resources staff under the coordination of the Finance Manager. With an educational background of Diploma in Accounting from Surabaya Development Institute which she obtained in 2004, Ike has expertise in managing personnel administration and financial records of the institution. She is skilled in operating various computer and graphic applications, and has good communication and negotiation skills. In his role as Executive Director, Ike is responsible for planning and overseeing the organisation’s activities, as well as monitoring and evaluating projects. His experience in financial training, graphic design, and digital content development further strengthens his contribution to SME development in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Helma Agustiawan, born in Bandung on August 29, 1983, is a professional and entrepreneur with experience in the field of Islamic economics and entrepreneurship. She earned a Master’s degree in Islamic Economics from the Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University in Bandung, as well as a degree in Telecommunication and Informatics Business Management from the College of Telecommunication & Informatics Business Management (STMB TELKOM- Univ. Telkom). Helma has a number of significant professional experiences, including serving as Deputy Director of Islamic Business and Entrepreneurship at KNEKS, as well as President Director at PT. SOKA Cipta Wisata. In addition, she is also active as Chief Relationship Officer at PT. Mitra Usaha Laju Bahagia and Chief Executive Officer at PT. Futuris Ventura Nusantara.

In the world of organizations, Helma is involved in various strategic positions, including as Chair of the Circle Division at the Indonesian Business Development Services Association and Secretary General at the Indonesian Halal Product Producers Association. She also contributed to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Bandung City as a member of the community economic empowerment sector. Helma is known to be active in the development of SMEs and the creative economy, and has an important role in community empowerment programs, such as the ACTION Program at PUPUK.

Her achievements have been recognized with various awards, including Best National Board of Director from JCI Indonesia in 2016 and Best Member in 2014. She also won the Business Innovation Contest in 2005 and received the Youth Social Entrepreneur award from ASHOKA in 2007. With dedication and extensive experience, Helma Agustiawan continues to contribute to advancing the sharia economy and entrepreneurship in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Widya Wicaksana, born in Metro on February 24, 1963, is a seasoned professional in business development and corporate services with over 25 years of dedication. She is a specialist trainer and consultant on a range of topics, including business start-up, monitoring and evaluation, and sustainable planning for SMEs. From 2014 to 2018, Widya served as Output Leader in the Multi-Stakeholder Forestry Programme 3 (MFP3), where she facilitated forestry business development across Indonesia, assisting in business planning, market access, and financial resources. In the last three years, her focus has been on supporting social forestry groups to develop community-based forestry businesses, particularly in bridging the private sector and financial institutions.

Widya studied at various leading institutions, including the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics. She also attended training in management and institutional development in the Netherlands, as well as education related to SME development in the UK and the Philippines. She currently serves as CEO at PT. SAHABAT UBUSAHA RAKYAT, as well as a consultant for various projects funded by international institutions, such as USAID and the World Bank. With skills in Indonesian and English, Widya continues to contribute to local economic development and sustainability in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Wahyu Trirahmadi, born in Tasikmalaya on July 25, 1964, is a multifaceted figure as an entrepreneur and lecturer. He took formal education in law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, graduating in 1988, and continued his studies for a Masters in Management at the University of Pajajaran, which he completed in 1995. In informal education, Wahyu actively participated in various courses and training, including ToT SYIB and export-import management. As an entrepreneur, he served as Director of PT Ralakswati, which manages the Mangkubumi Hotel in Tasikmalaya, as well as a commissioner in several other companies, including a gas station and housing developer. In addition, Wahyu is also involved in organizations, serving as Chairman of HIPMI and PHRI in Tasikmalaya Regency, as well as Chairman of the Tasikmalaya City Chamber of Commerce and Industry to date. His activities in collaborative projects with the government and other organizations include the initiation of industrial clusters, market development, and ongoing business incubators. With a commitment to increasing entrepreneurship and innovation in his region, Wahyu Trirahmadi has become an influential figure in driving economic growth and community development in Tasikmalaya.

Anggota / Member

Sendri Lentari, S.M., born on August 10, 1984, is a public policy specialist with more than seven years of experience in the fields of economic empowerment, civil registration, and impact evaluation. With a Bachelor of Management degree from Airlangga University in 2011, Sendri is currently pursuing a Master of Public Policy at the same university. He has a deep interest in poverty alleviation and value chains, as well as extensive experience in building partnerships with local governments, the private sector, and communities to design and implement impactful programs.

Sendri is active in various trainings, including training on impact evaluation and policy writing, as well as being a presenter at public conferences in Asia Pacific. His career includes roles as a program manager at PUPUK, where he led the Papua Peace and Development Action (PAPeDA) project focused on preserving natural resources and improving the livelihoods of indigenous peoples. In addition, he is also involved in various projects supporting anti-poverty programs in East Java, adopting a market connection model to improve market access for communities. With a commitment to strengthening youth and women’s groups, Sendri continues to contribute to sustainable community and policy development in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Nurdizal M. Rachman was born in Bukittinggi and studied at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with a Bachelor of Physics degree in 1991. After completing his education, he worked in the manufacturing industry sector from 1991 to 1997 before switching to the field of social, economic, and environmental research between 1998 and 2002. Nurdizal then became the manager of the PUUK Corecompetence Work Unit, which focuses on Community Development (Comdev) training, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and the BUMN Community Development Partnership Program (PKBL) from 2002 to 2005. He then served as Director of PT Interdev Prakarsa from 2007 to 2014 and then became Commissioner of the same company until 2016. Currently, Nurdizal serves as Director of PT Corebest Indonesia.

He has extensive experience in preparing CSR blueprints and stakeholder engagement for various companies in the business sector, including PT Pertamina and PT Bank BCA. Nurdizal is also active as a facilitator and speaker in seminars and workshops on CSR, ESG, and stakeholder management. In addition, he is involved in the development of a sustainability report assessment system and has written a book entitled “Complete Guide to CSR Planning” published in 2011. With his dedication and in-depth expertise, Nurdizal continues to contribute to the development of sustainable CSR practices in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Khoirul Eko Wahyudi was born in Jember on September 17, 1963. He studied at SD Muhammadiyah Jember, then continued to SMP and MA/SMA Al-Islam Sol. After finally graduating from Industrial Engineering ITB in 1988. After graduating from Industrial Engineering ITB in 1988, he began his career as a lecturer at Industrial Engineering UNISBA, Bandung, and as an industrial management consultant at PT Indocement, Cibinong, and at PJKA, Bandung. In the following years, he continued his career as a lecturer at ITS Surabaya and several private universities in East Java, while working as a management consultant at PT Behaestex. In addition, Khoirul is also an entrepreneur as a duck, broiler chicken, and laying hen farmer.

His managerial career extends from serving as Director of PIKMI Surabaya to Expert Staff of the Board of Directors at PT Behaestex Group. He also has experience in the industrial world as Head of Factory PT Launtanama and Owner and Director of CV Segar Sari. In the field of technology, he acts as an IT consultant at PT Telkom Indonesia, PT Exelcomindo, and PT Indosat. In the realm of government, Eko is an Expert Staff at the Directorate of Feed, Ministry of Agriculture, and an Expert Staff at the TNI Headquarters for Food Security. In social activities, Khoirul has been active since he was young, serving as the Head of OSIS at various schools, the Head of STEMA and P3R Salman ITB, and is active in Scouting. He is also the Secretary of the ITB East Java Alumni and is involved in the promotion of PB PON XV. At the national level, he leads the Indigofera Pakan Lestari Foundation and the Central Aspernas, and is a resource person at various rabbit entrepreneurship and business seminars. Currently, Khoirul serves as the President Director of PT Rumah Kelinci Indonesia, Director of PT Bumi Karsa Nusantara, and an active member of the Association for the Improvement of Small Businesses (PUPUK).

Anggota / Member

Bastian Annas Saputra, born in Ponorogo on September 9, 1977, is a professional in industrial engineering who completed his undergraduate education at the National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang, East Java. During his career, Bastian has attended various trainings, including training on active citizenship and social enterprise from the British Council Indonesia, as well as training on inclusive business models and value chain development. With extensive experience, he has served as a Program Advisor at PUPUK and the Ford Foundation since 2017, where he is responsible for program monitoring and evaluation and providing technical support for sub-grantees. Previously, from 2008 to 2016, he worked at PUPUK, managing the organization and fundraising, as well as monitoring and evaluating various programs. His experience also includes positions as a consultant and project officer at Paramita Consultant and Bhinneka Foundation from 2002 to 2007, where he was involved in surveys and analysis. With his dedication and commitment to improving small businesses, Bastian continues to contribute to the economic development of communities in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Cahyadi Joko Sukmono, SIP MM, born in Boyolali on December 24, 1977, is a prominent business leader and consultant in Indonesia. He completed his education in Government Science at Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta and earned a Masters in Management from Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta. With extensive experience, Cahyadi currently serves as the General Chairperson of the DPN of the Indonesian BDS Association and Senior Business Consultant at PT Forbiz ID. He is also the President Director of ND Network and the founder of the Village Economic School and UMKM Nusantara, which focuses on empowering the local economy.

As an expert in the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM), Cahyadi has contributed to various projects, including as an Official Expert at the DIY UMKM Cooperative Service and the DIY Regional Government Economic Bureau. He is certified as a Business Coach from the Indonesian Coach Federation and has various trainings in business development and management. Cahyadi is also active in various organizations, having served as President of IBCF and Chairperson of the DPN of the Indonesian BDS Association. Through his dedication, he is committed to encouraging inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Indonesia.

Anggota / Member

Muhammad Syaikhudin, who is familiarly called Jite, was born on July 22, 1972. He completed his Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Marine Engineering at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, in 1999. From 2002 to 2010, he worked as a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the Purbaya Tegal Polytechnic. In the same period, from 2004 to 2010, he also served as Assistant Director III for Student Affairs at the campus.

In 2011, Jite joined the Muhammadiyah Tegal Polytechnic as a lecturer in Design Engineering and also became the Head of Department in the same field. In addition, he was also active as Director of the Association for the Improvement of Small Businesses (PUPUK) Tegal Office until May 2018. In his role at PUPUK, he was involved in various activities such as young technopreneur competitions and business environment surveys in various regions.

Since February 2018, Jite has led Anggoro Jati and continues to be active in mentoring selected technopreneurs and conducting various value chain analysis surveys of potential products and services in the Tegal, Pekalongan, Kendal, and Mentawai Islands areas. Through its involvement with various international organizations such as ILO, FAO, JICA, and EU, Jite plays an important role in the development of small and medium industries and increasing patchouli oil production in the Mentawai Islands.